Today...Windows 10 has finally made its official release. From what I have been hearing...and reading across the that some are getting a Blue Screen stating "Something Happened" and h
So, if you are like like to watch the videos that others post into your Facebook newsfeed. Have you ever clicked to play a told you that you either needed to UPDATE or INST
With all of the crazy ways that malware/adware/viruses and potentially unwanted programs can sneak their way into your computer, this article provides the keys to staying safe online and to keep your
These days, your wireless router is so much more than just a way to connect to the internet. This article explains some really cool features one can do with their router. Setting up Guest Accounts find yourself either downloading or updating a current want to make sure no UNWANTED toolbars, add-ons, or programs sneak their way in with it. This link will show you h
These days, there is so much that one must do to help protect their computer from getting infected. One thing is for certain: over 98 percent...that is not a typo...over 98 percent of infections tha
Now...if you are looking for a course that will introduce you to the basic concepts of computing and to teach you how to use computers efficiently at home AND at work...follow this link and sign up
You've come to the right place. If you are like many others: able to power on the computer, get around the web a little, send an email to a REALLY want to be able to navigate ar
Had a BEAUTIFUL ribbon cutting this morning with the Chamber and their Ambassadors! Many showed up to show their support! And, Tonya, I truly appreciate everything you do to help make things bette decided to take a little vacation, BUT, you want to know how to access the internet safely while away from the comforts of your secure home network??? thing is for sure: acces