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Here we are with our July 2024 Newsletter! As always...we look forward to sharing some good topics with you. On the first page...the topic is: Don't Fall for the Mystery Box Scam. As scams evolve,

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Here we are with our June 2024 Newsletter! As always...we look forward to sharing some good topics with you. On the first page...the topic is: Introducing Microsoft's New AI Feature: Recall. Disc

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Here we are with our May 2024 Newsletter! As always...we look forward to sharing some good topics with you. On the first page...the topic is: How SIM Swaps Bypass Your Online Security. We share w

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Here we are with our April 2024 Newsletter! As always...we look forward to sharing some good topics with you. On the first page...the topic is: Is It Worth Fixing My Aging Computer. We go over

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Here we are with our March 2024 Newsletter! As always...we look forward to sharing some good topics with you. On the first page...the topic is: Is It Time to Upgrade Your Home Router. In this a

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Here we are with our February 2024 Newsletter! As always...we look forward to sharing some good topics with you. On the first page...the topic is: Outdated Operating Systems: Avoiding Shady Site

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Here we are with our first newsletter of 2024! Praying everyone has a blessed, productive and peaceful year ahead! As always...we look forward to sharing some good topics with you. On the first p

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Welcome to our December 2023 Newsletter! With this being the last Newsletter of 2023...we want to wish everyone a MERRY Christmas AND a HAPPY and BLESSED New Year!! With the Christmas Season in f

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Welcome to our November 2023 Newsletter! On the first page...the topic is Reasons to Rethink your ISP-Provided Router. Each ISP (Internet Service Provider) does things different. will nee

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Welcome to our October 2023 Newsletter! Our first topic is The Power of Rebooting: Your Quick Fix for Tech Troubles. One of the first things we do, in most cases, is to restart the devices (laptops