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Our apologies for being a little late with our March newsletter! We do our best to share information concerning both PCs and Macs to help you out. On the first page…we review gaming PCs and what

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Here we are with our February newsletter! We do our best to share information concerning both PCs and Macs to help you out. On the first page...we go over laptop batteries. Laptop batteries do

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Here we are with our first newsletter for the new year! First...we would like to wish everyone a SAFE, BLESSED and HAPPY NEW YEAR! Last year was a very sad year with how COVID has taken over and ta

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This past year...has been a very challenging and sad year. We've lost this horrible COVID. We hope that next year...does not repeat 2020. As a ha

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Here we are with our latest Newsletter for November 2020! Business has been good this past month. The best thing is: we're just happy to still be able to share and give back to our community. That.

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Here we are with our latest Newsletter for October 2020! The past month has been pretty busy for us. Certainly a blessing to help others with their computer-related issues. That is what keeps us g

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Our apologies for the late post of our September 2020 Newsletter. This has been a busy and amazing month. On the first page of the Newsletter...we go over just what cookies are AND what they ar

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These past few months have sure been trying times. We here at BWN Computer pray that everyone stays safe and healthy! We have just completed our August Newsletter for you. On the first page...we

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So much has changed these last few months with COVID lurking about. Again...we would like to pray that everyone stays safe. And...we pray for those that have lost loved ones, co-workers and friends

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These past couple of months...have really been a trying time. Learning to cope with all of the changes going on in the world these days. Yearning for the days BEFORE COVID reared it's head. We jus