Posted by & filed under Computer Maintenance, Computer Repair, Computer Repair Newsletters.

Welcome to our latest newsletter!! For our first topic…we go over vertical monitors and reasons why you might want to purchase one. They do have their benefits…especially the ones you can make either vertical OR horizontal.

For our second topic…we go over computer storage. Depending on how you use your computer AND the types of files you save to your internal storage…are just a couple of things we look at when deciding how much of storage one should have. Also…their are different types of storage…hard drives…and the faster solid state drives (SSDs). And…some computers can be set up with more than one internal storage drive. It’s always good to know what questions to ask…especially when either upgrading your current computer OR purchasing a new computer.

If you have any questions about our current newsletter OR with any other computer-related issues you may be having…just stop by our CONTACT US page and we’ll be more than happy to help you out.

If you would like to keep a copy of this months’ newsletter…here is a link to open, download and print it out.

We here at BWN Computer are hoping everyone has a Blessed and Safe Day!

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