Posted by & filed under Computer Maintenance, Computer Repair, Computer Repair Newsletters.

Here we are with our latest newsletter of 2022. We do our best to share helpful information with you. On the first page of our newsletter, we go over how you can turn your old tablets into a child-friendly device. That way, you can gift the device to a young one.

On the second page…we go over privacy and the use of the DuckDuckGo Search Engine. If your tired of digital ads following you everywhere online or just want a more private search engine…then DuckDuckGo just may be what you need.

If you have any questions about the topics in this Newsletter or with any other computer-related issues…just stop by our CONTACT US page and we’ll be more than happy to help you out.

If you would like to keep a copy of this months’ Newsletter…here is a link to open, download and print it out.

We here at BWN Computer are hoping everyone has a Blessed and Safe Day!

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