Posted by & filed under Computer Maintenance, Computer Repair, Computer Repair Newsletters, Online Security.

Welcome to our August 2023 Newsletter! For our first topic we will be going over Digital Wallets…what they are used for and what can be done to secure and protect your personal information. There are risks when using digital wallets…so…we provide you with some suggested precautions to help keep you safe and secure when making payments.

For our second topic we go over smartphone ransomware…most of us have heard of ransomware but did you know that your smartphone can also be compromised with ransomware? We go over ransomware as well as what you can do to help prevent compromising your phone/devices with ransomware. We also share what you should do if you believe your device has ransomware.

If you have any questions about our current newsletter OR with any other computer-related issues you may be having…just stop by our CONTACT US page and we’ll be more than happy to help you out.

If you would like to keep a copy of this months’ newsletter…here is a link to open, download and print it out.

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