Posted by & filed under Computer Maintenance, Computer Repair, Computer Repair Newsletters.

Thank you for stopping by to see what we are sharing this month. On the first page of our Newsletter, we go over the five main specifications you should look at when buying a monitor. Of course, if you are unsure as to which one to buy, we will be more than happy to help you pick out one that will work best for you.

For the second page, we go over the Right to Work. With certain companies and their products, they are built in a way that they are either much harder to repair components that should be easily worked on OR the parts are not readily made available for the repairs required. There are some products made that even the manufacturer will not repair…they will just give you a credit towards buying a newer model (or replace the unit if it is still under warranty).

If you have any questions about the topics in this Newsletter or with any other computer-related issues…just stop by our CONTACT US page and we’ll be more than happy to help you out.

If you would like to keep a copy of this months’ Newsletter…here is a link to open, download and print it out.

Have a Blessed and Safe day everyone…and…Happy Computing!

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