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There is a really nasty malware that just may be targeting your router.  The BotenaGo malware packs quite a few exploits in one package.  This malware has targeted vulnerabilities in twelve different router brands.

Follow this LINK to an article that explains everything you need to know about this malware as well as what you need to do to keep your router secure.

The best defense, in this case, is to make sure your routers’ firmware is up-to-date and current.  Many of the newer routers will do this automatically…BUT…you will want to log in to your router and make sure that Auto Firmware Updates are enable. With older routers…you will definitely want to login to the Router Administrator Interface and download any firmware updates available.

This LINK shows a list of vulnerabilities as well as the routers affected.  And…this LINK will show you how to update your routers’ firmware.

if you have any questions about this post (or any other computer-related questions)…just stop by our CONTACT US page and we’ll be more than happy to help you out.

Have a BLESSED and SAFE day everyone!!  …and…Happy Computing!!  🙂


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