Posted by & filed under Computer Maintenance, Computer Repair Newsletters.

Here we are with our latest Newsletter for November 2020! Business has been good this past month. The best thing is: we’re just happy to still be able to share and give back to our community. That…we are so grateful for. Now…on to our Newsletter.

On the first page…we cover the topic of moving to a cloud-service structure. This type of service has been more commonly used by businesses BUT the home consumer can take advantage of cloud computing as well. Such as: online photo editing, music editing, Microsoft 365 (Office online), aspects of Google Drive (a virtual office), and backup/storage services…to name a few.

On the second page…we go over Residential Managed Services. Our Managed Services are in place to make your computer experience smooth…with as little of issues as possible.

If you have questions about this Newsletter or with any of the Managed Services that we offer…please…stop by our Contact Us page. We will be more than happy to help you.

If you would like to keep a copy of this month’s newsletter…here is a link to open, download and print it out.

Have a BLESSED and SAFE day everyone…and…Happy Computing!

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