Posted by & filed under Computer Maintenance, Computer Repair, Computer Repair Newsletters.

Our latest Newsletter goes over what you can do with your older hardware. You can choose to recycle your older hardware OR you can look at one of the options we present. You may find that there is still a use for some of that older hardware that can actually be of help to others.

On the second page…we go over social media scams. Many of them come in the form of questionnaires or quizzes where you are asked questions that are similar to those that would be asked to confirm your identity. Do NOT take these quizzes. If you do…you are simply falling into the trap that risks your personal information. Lets not make it easy for scammers to access your personal information and accounts.

If you have any questions about the topics in this Newsletter or with any other computer-related issues…just stop by our CONTACT US page and we’ll be more than happy to help you out.

If you would like to keep a copy of this months’ Newsletter…here is a link to open, download and print it out.

Have a Blessed and Safe day everyone…and…Happy Computing!

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