Posted by & filed under Apple and Mac Help, Online Security, Password Manager, Password Managers, Passwords.

October is #CybersecurityAwarenessMonth! We are a proud partner with CISA (Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency) and the Secure Our World campaign. We will be sharing what you can do to keep our world more secure. The first topic this month will be: Passwords and Password Managers.

Many of us may be using the same password for logging in to multiple sites. Using the same password for everything might be easy to remember, but it’s also easy to hack. That also goes for using weak passwords…these days weak passwords can be more easily hacked than in the past. For a strong password…it is recommended to use random letters (upper and lower case), numbers and symbols OR to use a memorable passphrase.

It seems like every year the minimum requirements for a strong password change. It used to be recommended to use a minimum of eight characters…then ten…then twelve…then fourteen. Currently…at least sixteen characters is recommended for a strong password.

Now…the reason for why we use a specific password may be because it is easy to remember. That…is where using a Password Manager would come in handy. No more having to keep track of passwords. Password Managers help create, store and fill in passwords automatically to log in. There are many different Password Managers one can use. We have provided the links to the our recommended Password Managers to use at this time:






Strong passwords along with using a Password manager is the start of keeping your accounts and online information more secure. Better to put in the effort now and be proactive…instead of allowing our online data and accounts to be compromised and then having to be reactive.

If you have any questions about the topic of Passwords and Password Mangers OR with any other computer-related issues you may be having…just stop by our CONTACT US page and we’ll be more than happy to help you out.

If you would like to keep a copy of this Cybersecurity Newsletter…here is a link to open, download and print it out.

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